Saturday, May 26, 2012


THE NINE NATHS OF IMMORTAL                           SPLENDOUR

                                                            N A V A N A T H

                                           Swami   Machindranath Maharaj

                              SRI SRI GORAKHNATHJI

                    Gorakhnath Temple (U.P.)

                               SRI KANIFNATHJI TEMPLE



Source :

They (Naths) are the Ancient of Days composed of the Divine Essence of the Being about whom naught may be said. These immortal divinities are ever watchful over the welfare and evolution of the destinies of nations and their humanities. Since they are aja (unborn), they can never die. Their essences do incarnate for the salvation andevolution of the humanity. I detail below an order of the celestial hierarchy of the heavenly host.

The basic Indian Philosophy about samsara is that this world is a wheel of Time (Kala Chakra), which rotates due to spiritual ignorance (avidya). Its spokes are virtue (dharma), vice (adharma), pleasure (sukha), pain(dukha), attachment (raga) and aversion (dvesha). These qualities are the cause of karma (cause and effect) and subsequently punarjanma (cycle of birth and death). I have not written about all the primeval Nine Naths mentioned above. Instead I have given accounts of later Nath yogis with whom I have had a personal experience.

The Nine Naths
The Nine Naths are divine immortal beings who have evolved to the seventh degree of cosmic awareness. They guide the eighty-four siddhas who form the guardian wall of humanity. Their consciousness is of so advanced a state that it is extremely difficult to comprehend their spiritual stature.

These Nath Siddhas are living in many secluded parts of India, mainly in the Himalayas. It is interesting to know that all of them have evolved beyond the sixth level of consciousness called Avadhoots. Some of them have, with tremendous Yoga and tapa evolved to the state or avastha of an Avatar Nath Yogi, beyond the seventh level of universal consciousness. Nath yogis have gone on to the eighth level of divine consciousness. They are known as the rishis, who are the custodians of our human evolution. These ‘sages of the fire mist’ are great beyond man’s reckoning… Such Cosmic Avataric descents are Self-taken and are one of a kind in human history, that is, each would be unique. These levels of spiritual consciousness are way beyond the understanding of devas or gods and human beings. The stupendous magnitude of their work is incomprehensible.

Adi Nath
This means the First Lord who is Shiva himself, the unborn, undying, deathless Lord of Liberating Yoga. He is the ‘Eternal Now’ as Adi Nath, whose Self-taken work for the work cycle is to reabsorb an erring humanity into its original state of consciousness, but awakening them to and teaching them the Yoga of Self-Realisation. Both the Kaula tradition of Matsyendranath and the Nath tradition of Gorakshanath acknowledge Him as their primal Lord and Master. Identified with Lord Shiva, he is held to be the original giver of divine yogic wisdom in a long line of masters and teachers of the Yogacharya schools. The title Adi Nath is also given to Rishub Nath, the first of the 24 enlightened teachers called the ford makers (tirthankaras) of the Jain tradition.

Adi Nath was the primal Yogi and a direct manifestation of Shiva and it is he whom the Yogis trace their lineage to. His positive Shakti energies are Uma Nath, Udai Nath, Parvati Nath, Jagat Amba, Gauri and Bhavani. His dark fiercer Shakti energies some of which are personified in Durga, Shyama, Chandi, Bhairavi, Chinna–masta and Kali Nath. To balance the world, speed up evolution of souls and do what it takes to be done, He may exercise any of his divine consort Shakti energies…

Although the Nine Naths are Immortal, yet for the inspiration of humanity and for future generations to come, there are Nine sacred shrines (samadhis) in the Himalayas associated with the Nath tradition. They are Amar Nath, Kedar Nath, Badri Nath, Pashu-Pati Nath, Kailash Nath, Tunga Nath, Rudra Nath, Vishwa Nath (Kashi), and Jaggan Nath.

Udai Nath
She is the manifestation of Parvati, the consort of Adi Nath Shiva. Udai Nath heralds the dawn of the age and time of spirituality. She helps the practitioner of Yoga to burn the seeds of all his past negative karmas; supplies the light of inspiration to progress along the yogic path. She also plays the role of world mother and all along the passage of time she was the semi-divine goddess Renuka, the mother of Parashuram; Kaushilya, the mother of Ramchandra; Devaki, the mother of Krishna; Maya, the mother of Buddha and Mary, the mother of Christ.

There are two aspects to her nature—bright - other dark. In Shakti, the two aspects of Shiva are manifest. In her milder personification she is known as Uma, Gauri, Parvati, Jagdamba and Bhavani. In her dark and fierce character she is Durga, Shyama, Chandi Kali, Bhairvi. Uma is the gracious consort of Adi Nath Shiva; the daughter of Prajapati Daksha. She, out of total love for Shiva, assumed a body so that she might be totally united with him. It is related in the account of the sacrifice of Daksha as to how Shiva was insulted by not being invited and being later ridiculed. This led to violation and mortification of Uma, who then became Sati, sacrificed for the sake of the Lord. Then grief-stricken Shiva carried her over his shoulders telling Vishnu to dismember her. As he walked along, various parts of her sacred body fell at various sites, which now makes the 52 holy Shakti Pithas.

After this she was reborn as Parvati (daughter of the Himalayan mountains). Shiva and Parvati are described as living together on the sacred Kailash mountain. They are ever immersed in the samadhi of love; at times, engaged in deep philosophical discourse to show the path of salvation to humanity lost in the theories of material world. From these discourses many a treatise on Yoga and Tantrahave been gifted to the world…
When we go on to the more formidable aspects of Shakti, let us not forget, the spirit of love and of the evolutionary push of the soul’s salvation which the Divine Mother has for us in her heart. Durga ‘the Unconquerable’ is Adi Nath Shiva’s consort in the aspect of warrior. She derives her name from the demon she slew. She is depicted with eight arms during the festival of Nine Naths (Navratra) of prayers and goes by the name Asta Bhuja (eight-armed). Then we have the four-armed Kali with a sword and a garland of heads around her and her red tongue protruding thirsty for the blood of the demonical forces and demons. The darker the negativity and evil on this earth, the more fierce and aggressive her form, to overcome the evil and create a balance of the gunas. She is then Kala Bhairavi and Chinnamastu….

A Nath legend goes that as one day the great Yogi sat fishing in his boat in the Bay of Bengal, he hooked a huge fish that pulled so hard on his fishing line that the boat capsised and the whale swallowed him whole. This is similar to the Biblical story of Jonah in the stomach of a whale. Now Matsyendranath was protected by his good karma. At that time, Lord Shiva had under the ocean created a beautiful setting. He was expounding to his spouse Parvati, the sacred doctrine of Yogaand Tantra. The large fish happened to go into this very site. Matsyendranath was able to hear the secret discourse.

After some time Parvati fell asleep, and when Shiva asked “Are you listening?” A prompt “yes” came from the belly of the fish. Using his Shiva Netra (third eye), Shiva gazed into the belly of the fish where he saw the Nath. Overjoyed, he said: “Now I know who my disciple is. I will now initiate Matsyendranath.” For the next 12 years, all the while remaining in the belly of the fish, Nath dedicated himself to Tantric Yogic practices. Then, another fisherman caught the monster and upon opening it, had Matsyendranath appearing as a fully realised master.

Matsyendranath is responsible for the transmigration of all evolving souls. In his hands are the keys to the gates of salvation.

In Tibet he is the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara, who gave to humanity the liberating mantra Om mani padme hum. In Nepal, he is venerated as the guardian deity of Kathmandu, in the form of Shveta Matsyendra, celebrated in the song and legend as the saviour and spiritual redeemer of all the Nath Yogis.

There is a great mystery and a sacrifice associated with the ninth level of Divine Awareness which is self-born. This is the state of Brahma Nirvana from which the ineffable Shiva-Goraksha-Babaji descends. He comes to redeem humanity yet maintains his state, how this is possible is only known to him. He is the collective consciousness of the seven primordial sages of the fire mist born at the beginning of time. He is the total light of the highest Elohim and yet in his unfathomable compassion, has left behind a finite portion of His infinite consciousness to evolve humanity into the likeness of Divinity. This finite and immortal portion of his divinity manifests among the haunts of men from time to time, as the need arises. Throughout eternity this ‘Eternal Now’ watches over the evolution of humanity, till it is liberated. Truly, He is called the Great Sacrifice, the visible invisible saviour of mankind.

Babaji is ever the same. He was never born and therefore never can die. They call Him aja (the unborn). But from time to time this compassionate Lord of irradiant splendour does manifest for humanity. Pulling the veil of Maya by his own will, He takes the form of Lightless light to incarnate among mortal beings.  He guards, guides and enlightens their conscience as per their evolutionary blueprint. His deathless body of lightless light may take any form through which he can express and reveal himself to the faithful from age to age. He took the form of Adi Nath Shiva himself. In the year 70 B.C, he manifested as Gorakshanath, at the time of King Shalivahan and Chowrangee Nath. Still later the ever present Babaji Nagaraj in 203 A.D.  in the same ever-present immortal body. He later appeared as Shiva-Goraksha-Babaji in the ninth century A.D. This was during the time of Guga Nath whom He empowered to have complete mastery over the Nagas (snakes) and ultimately be worshipped as a Naga god. Gorakshanath is Himself shown in the supreme samadhi sitting as Nagaraj upon a Yogic throne under which are the Nine Nagas.

Gorakshanath has assumed legendary fame during his manifestation in the middle ages. Many such stories of other saints competing with the Nath are of a sectarian prejudice, and show a total disregard for the dates and era in which Goraksha existed historically. It came to be established that no saint or yogi was considered to be of any worth or importance unless and until he defeated the legendary Gorakshanath in a contest of yogic powers or in a philosophical debate…

Gorakshanath’s teachings
On renunciation
Once a householder came to pay his respects to the Maha Yogi Goraksha with folded hands, he said: “Oh Respected One, your sacrifice is great, for you have given up the whole world for God.” Goraksha replied with folded hands: “Oh Respected One, Your sacrifice is greater than mine for you have given up the infinite God for this finite world.”

On death
A practising yogi full of rage at his failure to attain samadhi was on his way to die. Goraksha was sitting calmly under a tree and asked: “Where are you going, my son?” “To die!” replied the frustrated yogi. Goraksha said: “Then die if you must but make sure the dying is complete. If you cannot do it, come to me, I will teach you to die so completely that you will never die again and become deathless (amar). The yogi came back and attained to deathless samadhi under the loving eye of his Guru, Shiva-Goraksha-Babaji…

Extracted with permission from: Wings of Freedom: Mystic Revelations from Babaji and the Himalayan Yogis, by Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath.

Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath is a perfected master yogi from the Himalayan lineage of the Naths. Based near Pune, he teaches Hamsa Yoga, the system he has evolved.

Contact: Delhi,             (0) 9811199058      
Email: Website:

Friday, May 25, 2012


                                              L   O   R   D       R   A   M   A

Valmikis' stunningly accurate account
The story of Shri Rams' life was first narrated by Maharishi Valmiki in the Ramayana, which was written after Shri Ram was crowned as the king of Ayodhya. Maharishi Valmiki was a great astronomer as he has made sequential astronomical references on important dates related to the life of Shri Ram indicating the location of planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and the other stars (nakshatras).
Needless to add that similar position of planets and nakshatras is not repeated in thousands of years.
By entering the precise details of the planetary configuration of the important events in the life of Shri Ram as given in the Valmiki Ramayan in the software named "Planetarium" corresponding exact dates of these events according to the English calendar can be known.
Mr Pushkar Bhatnagar, of the Indian Revenue Service, had acquired this software from the US. It is used to predict the solar/lunar eclipses and distance and location of other planets from earth. He entered the relevant details about the planetary positions narrated by Maharishi Valmiki and obtained very interesting and convincing results, which almost determine the important dates starting from the birth of Shri Ram to the date of his coming back to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Description: Click here to join World Malayali ClubMaharishi Valmiki has recorded in Bal Kaand, sarga 19 and shloka eight and nine (1/18/8,9), that Shri Ram was born on ninth tithi of Chaitra month when the position of different planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and nakshatras (visible stars) were:
i) Sun in Aries; ii) Saturn in Libra; iii) Jupiter in Cancer; iv) Venus in Pisces; v) Mars in Capricorn; vi) Lunar month of Chaitra; vii) Ninth day after no moon; viii) Lagna as Cancer (cancer was rising in the east); ix) Moon on the Punarvasu (Gemini constellation & Pllux star); x) Day time (around noon).
This data was fed into the software. The results indicated that this was exactly the location of planets/stars in the noon of January 10, 5114 BC. Thus, Shri Ram was born on January 10, 5114 BC (7121 years back). As per the Indian calendar, it was the ninth day of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month and the time was around 12 to 1 noontime. This is exactly the time and date when Ram Navmi is celebrated all overIndia.
Description: Click here to join World Malayali ClubShri Ram was born in Ayodhya. This fact can be ascertained from several books written by Indian and foreign authors before and after the birth of Christ - Valmiki Ramayan, Tulsi Ramayan, Kalidasas' Raghuvansam, Baudh and Jain literature, etc.
These books have narrated in great detail the location, rich architecture and beauty of Ayodhya which had many palaces and temples built all over the kingdom. Ayodhya was located on the banks of the Saryu river with Ganga and Panchal Pradesh on one side and Mithila on the other side.
Normally 7,000 years is a very long period during which earthquakes, storms, floods and foreign invasions change the course of rivers, destroy the towns/buildings and alter the territories. Therefore, the task of unearthing the facts is monumental.
The present Ayodhya has shrunk in size and the rivers have changed their course about 40 km north/south. Shri Ram went out of Ayodhya in his childhood
(13th year as per Valmiki Ramayan) with Rishi Vishwamitra who lived in Tapovan (Sidhhashram). From there he went to Mithila, King Janaks' kingdom. Here, he married Sita after breaking Shiv Dhanusha.
Researchers have gone along the route adopted by Shri Ram as narrated in the Valmiki Ramayan and found 23 places which have memorials that commemorate the events related to the life of Shri Ram. These include :
Shringi Ashram,
Tadka Van,
Janakpur (now in Nepal),
Sita Kund, etc.
Memorials are built for great men and not for fictitious characters. Description: Click here to join World Malayali ClubDate of exile of Shri Ram: It is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayans' Ayodhya Kand (2/4/18) that Dashratha wanted to make Shri Ram the king because Sun, Mars and Rahu had surrounded his nakshatra and normally under such planetary configuration the king dies or becomes a victim of conspiracies.
Dashrathas' zodiac sign was Pisces and his nakshatra was Rewati.
This planetary configuration was prevailing on the January 5, 5089 BC,
and it was on this day that Shri Ram left Ayodhya for 14 years of exile.
Thus, he was 25 years old at that time (5114-5089).
There are several shlokas in Valmiki Ramayan which indicate that Shri Ram
was 25-years-old when he left Ayodhya for exile. Valmiki Ramayan refers to the solar eclipse at the time of war with Khardushan in later half of 13th year of Shri Rams' exile. It is also mentioned it was amavasya day and Mars was in the middle. When this data was entered, the software indicated that there was a solar eclipse on October 7, 5077 BC, (amavasya day) which could be seen from Panchvati.
The planetary configuration was also the same - Mars was in the middle,
on one side were Venus and Mercury and on the other side were Sun and Saturn.
On the basis of planetary configurations described in various other chapters, the date on which Ravana was killed works out to be December 4, 5076 BC, and Shri Ram completed 14 years of exile on January 2, 5075 BC, and that day was also Navami of Shukla Paksha in Chaitra month. Thus Shri Ram had come back to Ayodhya at the age of 39 (5114-5075). Description: Click here to join World Malayali Club
A colleague, Dr Ram Avtar, researched on places visited by Shri Ram during his exile, and sequentially moved to the places stated as visited by Shri Ram in the Valmiki Ramayan, starting from Ayodhya he went right upto Rameshwaram.
He found 195 places which still have the memorials connected to the events narrated in the Ramayana relating to the life of Shri Ram and Sita These include Tamsa Tal (Mandah), Shringverpur (Singraur), Bhardwaj Ashram (situated near Allahabad), Atri Ashram, Markandaya Ashram (Markundi), Chitrakoot, Pamakuti (on banks of Godavari), Panchvati, Sita Sarovar, Ram Kund in Triambakeshwar near Nasik, Shabari Ashram, Kishkindha (village Annagorai), Dhanushkoti and Rameshwar temple. Description: Click here to join World Malayali ClubIn Valmiki Ramayan it is mentioned that Shri Rams' army constructed a bridge over the sea between Rameshwaram and Lanka.
After crossing this bridge, Shri Rams' army had defeated Ravana. Recently,
NASA put pictures on the Internet of a man-made bridge, the ruins of which are lying submerged in Palk Strait between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka.
Recently the Sri Lankan Government had expressed the desire to develop Sita Vatika as a tourist spot. Sri Lankans believe this was Ashok Vatika where Ravana had kept Sita as a prisoner (in 5076 BC).
Indian history has recorded that Shri Ram belonged to the Suryavansh and he was the 64th ruler of this dynasty. The names and other relevant particulars of previous 63 kings are listed in Ayodhya ka Etihaas written about 80 years ago by Rai Bahadur Sita Ram. Professor Subhash Kak of Lousiana University, in his book, The Astronomical Code of the Rig Veda, has also listed 63 ancestors of Shri Ram
who ruled over Ayodhya.
Sri Rams' ancestors have been traced out as: Shri Ram, King Dashratha, King Aja, King Raghu, King Dilip and so on. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Bengal to Gujarat, everywhere people believe in the reality of Shri Rams' existence, particularly in the tribal areas of Himachal, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and the North-East.
Most of the festivals celebrated in these areas revolve around the events in the life of Shri Ram and Shri Krishna. The events and places related to the life of Shri Ram and Sita are true cultural and social heritage of every Indian irrespective of caste and creed. Therefore, it is common heritage.
After all, Shri Ram belonged to the period when Prophet Mohammed or Jesus Christ were not born and Muslim or Christian faiths were unknown to the world.
The words Hindu (resident of Hindustan) and Indian (resident of India) were synonymous. India was also known as Bharat (land of knowledge) and Aryavarta (where Aryans live) and Hindustan (land of "Hindus" - derived from word Indus). During Ram Rajya, the evils of caste system based on birth were non-existent. In fact, Maharishi Valmiki is stated to be of Shudra class (scheduled caste), still Sita lived with him as his adopted daughter after she was banished from Ayodhya.
Luv and Kush grew in his ashram as his disciples. We need to be proud of the fact that Valmiki was perhaps the first great astronomer and that his study of planetary configurations has stood the test of times. Even the latest computer softwares have corroborated his astronomical calculations, which proves that he did not commit any error.
Shabri is stated to be belonging to the Bheel tribe. Shri Rams' army, which succeeded in defeating Ravana, was formed by various tribals from Central and South India.
The facts, events and all other details relating to the life of Shri Ram are the common heritage of all the Indians including scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, Muslims, Christians, etc.
Prophet Mohammad was born 1,400 years ago.
Jesus Christ was born 2,000 years back.
Gautam Buddha was born 2,600 years back,
whereas Ram was born 7,000 years back.
Hence, discovering the details relating to Shri Rams' life would be lot more difficult as destruction caused by floods, earthquakes and invasions etc., would be far greater. But, should that stop our quest for learning more about our cultural heritage?
As Indians, let us all take pride in the fact that the Indian civilisation is the most ancient civilisation today. It is certainly more than 10,000 years old. Therefore, let us reject the story of Aryan invasion in India in 1,500 BC as motivated implantation.
In fact Max Mueller, who was the creator of this theory had himself rejected it.
Let us admit that during the British Rule, we were educated in the schools based on Macaulay school of thinking which believed that everything Indian was inferior and that entire "Indian literature was not worth even one book rack in England." If there were similarities in certain features of Indian people and people from Central Europe, then automatic inference drawn was that the Aryans coming from Europe invaded India and settled here.
No one dared of thinking in any other way. Therefore, there is urgency for the historians and all other intellectuals to stop reducing Indian history to myth.
There is need to gather, dig out, search, unearth and analyse all the evidences,
which would throw more light on ancient Indian civilisation and culture. Description: Click here to join World Malayali ClubThere is need for the print and the electronic media to take note of these facts and create atmosphere which would motivate our young and educated youth to carry out research and unearth true facts about the ancient Indian civilisation and wisdom and would also encourage them to put across the results of their research before the people fearlessly and with a sense of pride!
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